Winston-Salem Criminal Defense Attorney
High School And College Student Crimes | Criminal Defense | Traffic Violations | Driver's License And DMV Hearings

No one wants to face criminal charges or traffic violations. In addition to the fines, potential jail time and public humiliation, the anxiety involved with the legal process can be a tremendous challenge for people facing charges.
While this might be your first time in the criminal justice system, I have handled thousands of criminal and traffic cases. At John E. Fitzgerald, Attorney At Law, I represent clients in a wide range of criminal defense, traffic, DWI and DMV driver's license matters in Forsyth, Davidson and Davie counties, at the felony and misdemeanor levels. I understand the anxiety that you face in the criminal justice system, so my staff and I will do everything we can to simplify the process for you and defend your rights in the courtroom.
DWI Lawyer In Forsyth, Davidson And Davie Counties
Driving while impaired (DWI) is a common charge that people face. More than any other crime, DWI is not limited by age, race or economic status. Everyone is liable to get caught driving after having one drink too many. However, the penalties can be harsh for DWI, especially with multiple convictions, and I represent my clients aggressively for these charges.
Defending College Students
There are certain crimes that are particularly common for college students, including underage drinking and drug use, DWI and driving after consuming under age 21.
Recognizing and Defending People with Drug and Alcohol Issues
Prior to opening my practice I worked at a licensed substance abuse treatment center learning to recognize users of drugs such as opiates, heroin, and prescription pain killers. I have extensive knowledge that helps me recognize when people are having drug and alcohol issues and I know how to form an effective plan for their defense in court. My compassion and understanding of their legal issues related to drugs and alcohol helps guide them in defense of their criminal charges.
Criminal Defense
Some of the major areas of criminal defense that I handle include:
- Alcohol offenses
- Assault
- Breaking and entering
- Domestic violence
- Drug offenses
- Shoplifting and larceny
- Fraud and forgery
- Weapons violations
I represent my clients through all stages of their cases. In addition to representation in the courtroom, I help clients with bond motions and orders for arrest. Whenever possible, I help clients avoid having permanent criminal records through deferred prosecutions and expungements.
Traffic Violations, Speeding Tickets And DMV Hearings
Driving is one of the most important privileges we enjoy in this country. When traffic violations and DMV license revocations threaten to hinder my clients' driving privileges, I do everything I can to defend their ability to drive.
Compassionate Representation
As a Winston-Salem criminal defense lawyer, I make it a point to provide sound legal counsel and aggressive criminal and traffic defense, backed by a compassionate approach. I am not here to judge you; I am here to help you. Because this is a small law firm, I am able to remain responsive to my clients' needs, returning phone calls and offering sound legal advice when needed.
Contact John E. Fitzgerald, Attorney At Law
Call 336-803-7431 or contact me online.