DWI Evidence Refusal

John Fitzgerald Can Help With Your DWI Evidence Refusal Case

If you are pulled over and suspected of a DWI, you will be administered a test to determine if you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. You can refuse this test, but if you do, you may be immediately arrested and the charges against you could become more serious. You have a right to refuse the test and if you choose to do so your attorney will protect your rights and represent you in court. Call John Fitzgerald today.

Can I Refuse A DWI Test?

You can refuse a DWI test. These tests are usually sobriety tests and may involved so certain physical tasks such as walking a straight line or chemical tests such as a Breathalyzer. If you refuse the test, the arresting officer will assume you are guilty and arrest you. Your first call should be to your attorney, who can help you get out of jail and fight the charges.

How Will An Attorney Help Me?

Your attorney will help you post bail if necessary and will also come up with a defense strategy to help you in court. You don’t have to worry about going in front of a judge on your own, because your attorney will be by your side and help you through the entire process. If you have questions or concerns, your attorney will address them.

Call An Experienced DWI Evidence Refusal Defense Attorney Today

If you have been arrested for refusing a DWI test and you need the help of an experienced attorney, call John Fitzgerald today. You can get the legal representation you deserve and avoid going to court alone. Call 336-803-7431 today.